My name is Jake Bunce, I have a keen interest within cyber security, my current job role revolves around the ISO27001 Certification, Join me in progressing my knowledge in this topic and other topics in the vast ocean of cyber security
I am an extremely hard working and determined individual who likes challenges and I have high standards when it comes to the work that I produce. I enjoy working independently as I work very efficiently. I am a friendly person who enjoys talking to people and making them feel valued. I would be a key asset to a work force as I help and assist people to the best of my ability. In my spare time I enjoy learning about cyber attacks and the tools and methodologies that were used to exploit the vulnerabilities. My current pass times have been filled with learning about network infrastructure to better enhance my understand my knowledge of the threat landscape.
Guides on how to install the software I use within my home lab
Explore my home lab from the hardware I use to the software
Explore the latest CVE’s
Follow my notes as I prepare for my certifications
Bachelor of Science (Honours) Cyber Security
ISO27001:2022 Lead Auditor Certification (BSI)